During my time away from the blog, I found a website called Tiddlywiki which led me to Tiddlyspace. I liked the fact that it was almost like having a personal wiki like those on wikia which usually serve as encyclopedias on tv show worlds, food recipes, and the like. I figured I could not only use it to jott down notes about my various projects, but If they ever became popular engough to have their own wikias, they could serve as the backbone.
So far I mostly worked on the one for Arcane Realm which still have has some articles incomplete. The one for Vanessa Fly Trap is much newer and thus much smaller. It hard since I am doing all this by myself but I figure if I can get the word spread around, a few people might actually find them interesting enough to contribute. That’s why I have to make sure they will be appealing encyclopedias that me and anyone else can look to. It won’t be easy but I’m sure it will be worth it.
I’ll be posting articles from both of these wiki’s into the future of this blog. But for those who want to see the wiki’s themselves, their links are below. Until next time!
Arcane Realm: http://jdtcreates.tiddlyspace.com/
Vanessa Fly Trap:http://vanessaflytrap.tiddlyspace.com/