As there are a number of intelligence beings in the Arcane Realm besides humans, each with their own unique biological and cultural components to their society (or lack thereof). There’s a lot of information to go through on each of their pages, so this one is dedicated to serve as a useful guide for future Arcane Realm beings.
Overview: Gives a brief description of the being in general
Quick Species Profile: A general description of common physical attributes with the species as a whole
Life Expectancy Average Max: The oldest recorded individual Average Height Average Weight Creature Type: The category of beings the species belongs to estimate shared characteristics.
Physiological Traits
Species particular make up and passive traits and features
Innate Abilities
Active traits they can intentionally use due to their make up
How they look
General Diet
What they consume for energy and sustain themselves
Ways the species make more of themselves or what beings they can hybridize with
Lifespan and Growth
Significant periods in their life cycle
Their presence throughout Arcane Realm timeline
A roughly detailed log of the species or find and major influence on the world into the modern day.
Ethnic Group: Particular ethnic or racial identity shared by certain related individuals
Geographic Range: where they like to live or are found
Provisioning: how they obtain food and similar things
Vegetation/Agriculture: what plants they eat, grow, use
Livestock: what animals they raise to eat or derive things from
Game: what animals they hunt or take materials from
Common distinctive features: Hair texture, hair color, eye color, skin color, nose shape, other appendages (shapeshifters can change these but groups will often have a distinctive set to identify themselves with)
Societal Behavior:
Brief description of they act, believe, and deal with other groups
The structures and materials used for shelter
Indigenous or adopted belief systems and the rituals related
The organization of related individuals and any societal roles determined by biological sex
Indigenous or adopted ways of teaching the youth cultural values and knowledge
Science and Technology
Methods or inventions to get to a new place
Tools for individual or group self-defense or offense
Information, entertainment media
Main power used by the society or progression to a modern one
Medical Treatment
Major treatments used and cultural meaning behind them
Materials and procedures used to supply the people
Unique things made that other societies use